Reputation Report for H3LLBORN

Total Reputation: 7

Reputation from Members:
Positives: 7
Neutrals: 0
Negatives: 0
Zephie (4) - Rated on January 09, 2021 2:47:03am

Positive (+1): 24 o.o

EmperorOrchid (6) - Rated on January 01, 2021 5:41:51am

Positive (+1): Very helpful, appreciate the usefulness and kindness.

Raxzor (1) - Rated on December 16, 2020 12:01:29pm

Positive (+1): Nice player and brings in a whole good vibe with him.Keep it up!

() - Rated on January 19, 2018 2:00:50pm

Positive (+1): ozf8SNKr

() - Rated on November 03, 2017 9:06:55pm

Positive (+1): Great player

phoenix (3) - Rated on September 18, 2017 9:27:57am

Positive (+1): Awesome Player!!.Taught me how to play fair

Kitsu (0) - Rated on July 14, 2017 7:15:24am

Positive (+1): Helpful and Friendly

Board Statistics
Pokemon Reborn Pikachu

The H3LLBORN's Reputation - Pokemon Dusk Reborn Forums - Pokemon Online RPG Forums

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Pokemon Dusk Reborn - Online Pokemon RPG.

Game Released: 14th September 2016

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